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Pronunciation Key - Infoplease:.
English Pronunciation Dictionary Wikipedia:Pronunciation respelling key.
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Forvo Pronunciation Key - Dictionary,.
The Unabridged® Dictionary Pronunciation Key
u: sofa (sO ´fu), ite m (I ´tu m), easi ly (E ´zu lE), canno n (kan´u n), circu s (sÛr´ku s) a: a ct (akt), ba t (bat) A: a pe (A p), fai l (fA l), day (dA) â Pronunciation Key - Fact Monster.
pronunciation key
The Unabridged® Dictionary.
IPA Pronunciation Key: 164377 visits
The apostrophe has two functions in the pronunciation of French words. It is used to indicate that a final consonant l, as in fille (fe´y'), or r, as in lettre
*In English the consonants l and n often constitute complete syllables by themselves. **Regional pronunciations of -or- vary. In pairs such as for, four; horse
Pronunciation Key - Dictionary.